Chapter Eleven

Day Five, New Rules

So today they were going to sit in the sun drink beer and think about what to do next, they had a box of stubby French lagers in the fridge and a lasagne for supper but bought from Lidl this time, not home made.

Although they were enjoying every moment of this adventure, it was nice too be laid back relaxing in the sun. It would have been nice to watch the world go by as well but although they had a good view of the harbour and fortress, the garden was secluded from the street. This had been a good thing to now, as they had appeared there from nowhere on several occasions.

Later on the afternoon, they took a break from doing nothing and had a walk down to the harbour for fresh bread and a look to see if there were any new beers for Ray to try. Ray had his backpack but there wasn't as much space in it as usual, although there was room for a small pack of beer. Now it was time to make what should have been one of the more difficult decisions of the holiday, do they go for a drink before going back to the room for super.

Sat outside the bar, they could now watch the world go by for an hour or two. Relaxing with a beer watching other people work or just rushing about, sat without having to think, there is nothing easier and it is so enjoyable. As much as they both loved sitting doing nothing but watch other people going about their business, they were both ever so slightly preoccupied with thoughts of the artifact. They found they could talk about the artifact, as long as they remembered to refer to the jumps as trips. Every now and then, one of them would have a thought about using the artifact and try to convey the idea without actually mentioning what they really wanted to say.

Ray was feeling hungry, so when they finished their beers they went for some supper. Back at the apartment, Ray got the gas BBQ on while Dona put a salad together. They could now discus their thoughts freely as the burgers and spicy sausage ware cooking. The lasagne could wait until tomorrow, that was the beauty of the fridge.

The rules would have to change.

Rule one, keep it a secret, only the two of them should ever know about the artifact, there was also no need to change anything here.
Rule two, do not call it a jump better to call it a trip, less chance of a slip up, was working and they were using trip in conversation easily now.
Rule three, do not try to do anything illegal or immoral using the artifact, just doing what they had done to now, they had done things that were illegal, entering the USA for one, so this would have to modify this on to read, try to be ethical.
Rule four, for now, only use it out of day light hours, because of time differences this one was not really enforceable, so they would replace it with a new rule four.

So the new rules are

Rule one, the artifact is their secret.
Rule two, all jumps be referred to and always referred to as trips.
Rule three, try to stay within the law and their own ethics.
Rule four, plan each trip meticulously (have a reason for the trip, research to find a secluded arrival point, use whatever resources they can find to plan the trip).

They both had ideas for their next trip, so before any planing could be done in the morning, they had to choose. So that is what they discussed over supper and the Karlsquell Biere, Ray had bought earlier.

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