Chapter Sixteen

Day Seven, The Zoo

Ray pointed out to Dona, that today they were half way through their holiday.

"Wow" said Dona "that's impossible, we have only just got here"

"I know" said Ray "with all that's been going on you would think time would have dragged out but its flown by.  Lets just go to the Zoo today and have a think about what to do with this thing next"

"I think you are right" replied Dona, "Lets give it a rest for now and give it some real serious thought, before we do it again.  Lets not let it get in the way of us enjoying ourselves on this holiday, we have this thing now and its ours to use as we like, when we like, agreed"

"Agreed" was all that Ray could think of saying for an answer right now and it did seemed like a very good idea.

The Zoo in La Palmyre was practically empty and the weather was overcast but they went in anyway. In fact, the weather was just right for walking around a Zoo and it wasn't raining, witch was a very good thing.

Well the Zoo had all of the animals you would expect, probably more but it can not be the biggest Zoo in France, Ray made a mental note to check when he got back to his laptop.  Over at the back of the Zoo though, were the big monkey and ape enclosures where, it was all quite new and a lot bigger. Maybe the Zoo was being improved a bit at a time.

It was after lunch when they made their way over to the sea lion pool area, to watch the display there put on for the crowds.  Well there was a small group of school children on a school trip and a few other grown ups, not really a crowd.

As the show went on Ray looked around the other watching and enjoying the sea lion act, when he spotted Oscar, sitting at the back.

As Oscar had been seen, he waved at Ray.

Ray waved back, then turned to Dona and said "that Oscar we met last night is sitting at the back, I think I should wave him over"

Dona agreed, so Ray turned back to wave Oscar over but he had gone, "that's strange" said Ray "he's gone, must have got board with the show, oh well, we might see him latter on around the Zoo"

But they didn't, Oscar didn't want to be seen.

Next there was a parrot show but they got a bit board with that after a few minutes and moved on to watch the poler bear.  In the end they made their way back towards the exit, passed all of the big cats, otters, penguins and as they left, a huge flock of pink flamingos.

It was now time to go into the small town of La Palmyre for a beer.  They got parked close to the centre and had a walk around the shops before heading into a cafe for a beer. This time they had a Pelforth Blond and a Edelweiss Weissbier and if you had to guess who had what, you would probably be wrong.  They only had the one beer as they were driving, well Ray was, then made there way back to the room for the night.

They decided to have another a BBQ for tea, well supper actually and sat in the garden discussing what they though was the best to do with next with the artifact.

"This l’Abbaye beer is not too bad at all, I think I will consider having another one" commented Ray "where did we get it from"

"It says its from Carrefour" replied Dona looking at the can "we must have got it coming down on the way here"

"Well it is very nice and so I will definitely have another" said Ray, "right, where did we decide we were off to tomorrow"

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