Chapter Twenty-five

Day Eleven, Walls of Brouage

Oscar was taking a couple of pain killers while checking on his laptop, he had better not have a night like that again, well not for a long long time anyway.

Ray was up and sat in the garden reading, although Dona was still in bed but not asleep.

So Oscar thought to himself that he had time to have a shower and maybe then go down for some breakfast.  He could just keep an eye on the laptop from time to time, nothing seamed to be happening much at all this morning.

It was well after lunch when Ray and Dona started to get ready to out, they were off to Brouage again, to walk the walls. Oscar had watched and listened, as they had a late breakfast then just sat about doing nothing but sunbathing and read all morning.  He had noticed Ray looking on his laptop for a while but thought nothing of it.

Soon Ray and Dona left, they drove off, leaving their apartment and the cameras behind.  Oscar had watched right to the end, just to see if they gave anything away but no.  They had taken with them, Ray's backpack and Dona's small bag, nothing else.  Ray's backpack had been with them every time Oscar had seen them, so he surmised the Artifact (if he was right), was in that bag.

Ray and Dona parked up just inside Brouage village walls at the south end and went straight up on top. They had got on top so that they were walking round the walls in a anticlockwise direction.  Ray was absolutely amazed by these walls they looked to be intact and the town / village was all inside. The distance around the walls was over a mile and since their first visit yesterday, Ray had looked up everything about the place.  It was really amazing just how far Brouage was from the sea, when it was built on the cost but now was so far inland.

Half way round they had to come down to were the road went through but then just followed the walls until they could get back on top.  They continued walking round until they got back to where they started from, then came down and wandered towards the bars.

Sat in the sun having a beer, Ray mentioned the Artifact for the first time in a couple of days.  "Do you want to do another jump before we go home" he asked Dona, "on a night, its quite nice to go somewhere new".

"Not too sure" replied Dona "we have plenty of time to plan what we will do when we get home".

"I have been looking while you had a sleep this morning and though we could maybe go to Rome for  a drink later, or even supper" suggested Ray.

"We did not get very good food in Rome remember but if you really want to go, I do not mind going for a couple of drinks but only if you really want too" Dona gave in.

"Ok, lets see if we fancy it later, we can decide on the way back" said Ray.

Back in their apartment, Oscar was quick to start recording them, it was still early, they had only been gone a couple of hours.  Oscar had used the time to have a short walk by the harbour and was glad that he had come straight back to his room and not assumed they would be out for hours.

Oscar watched as they got changed, as if just getting ready to go out for an early night.  Only just as they were due to go, Ray typed something into his phone then unzipped his backpack.  They both reached inside, then there was a small sound like a the catch on a briefcase engaging then a bright soundless flash.

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