Chapter Nineteen

Day Eight, The Waiting Game

Oscar contacted home to have some surveillance equipment sent to him, it would arrive tomorrow, on the phone Teddy Bradshaw asked him how his holiday was going.

"Very funny" replied Oscar "this may all be nothing but I think it is well worth checking out, I will let you know what its all about when I get home but as I said earlier, it could be nothing."

"Ok, let me know how it goes, the office is covered until you get back, take your time and enjoy you investigation out there in sun" quipped Teddy and put the phone down.

Well what next for today, the specialist surveillance equipment wouldn't arrive until tomorrow, he could get on with some work, or he could just have a day off.  The day off won, here was here for a reason but there was nothing he could really do until the equipment got here in the morning.

He had had breakfast earlier and had managed to not go for a sightseeing drive with Steve and Janet, telling them thanks but that he had lots things to do.  He went on-line again but again, found nothing new, so at about half eleven, he went out for a walk in the wonderful sunlight.

He walked out from the centre straight towards the pier and ended up on the oposit side to were the artifact first came ashore.  After a look around down there, he made the decision to walk the old town walls and set off back the way he came.

From the car park down there, he walked up onto the walls and set off in a clockwise direction around the old town.  In the distance he could see what looked like a giant ant on top of what looked like part of the walls or at least part of the fortifications.  Not too far from were he had set off, he came to the old entrance gate and as he came down from the wall, where he spotted a bar.  Handy for lunch but not yet, first he walked over to find out what the ant was.

From down at road level he could no longer see the ant but he knew about where he had seen it and set off in that direction.  It was not far from the main walls but is was down a side street off the main road.  Well it turned out to be a shop, well not exactly a shop more like a art studio and you could go up onto the roof.  Which he did, and there was the giant ant, there was also quite a good view from up there.

The sun was shining, it was like being on holiday and it was now about time for some lunch.  The Au Bon Coin restaurant was just outside the gateway and as he was down anyway, he went in for something to eat. He only had a bowl of soup and a glass of wine but that was plenty for now. Refreshed he set off back to his walk around the walls.

Over the road into town, he continued his walk along the outside of the walls to the corner, then had to cross over the moat and continue that way to the sea. The campsite that he had been to earlier was on his left as he walked towards the small bridge to the gate back inside the walls.

Inside he climbed back up onto the walls and headed back towards the main fort, La citadelle du Château-d'Oléron, big name.  When he got there he had to head inland to get to the main gait, then over a bridge across another moat and into the courtyard.  Once inside the fort Oscar had a cup of tea and a sit down in the bright sunlight outside cafe there.  As he sat in the sun he checked his phone but there where no messages or new information for him, oh well, he may as well enjoy his wait.

He finished off his walk up on the fort walls looking out across the channel towards Bourcefranc-le-Chapus and the sea fort, Fort Louvois, which was far in the distance over towards the bridge.

Oscar set off to wandered back towards the hotel and stopped for a beer along the way, where he once again checked his phone but there was still nothing new. By now he was reserved to wait and after changing for his evening meal, spent the rest of the night with Steve and Janet.

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