

It was over a month since the trip to France and Ray and Dona were starting to question whether it all really happened.

They were sat watching TV on a Tuesday night, when there was a knock on the front door.   Ray went to see who it was, probably someone too thick to read the the No Hawkers sign.  He opened the door to find Oscar stood there and was very surprised.

"Wow Oscar" said Ray "I didn't really expect to see you again, what are you doing here".

"Hi Ray" said Oscar "let me in and I will explain everything".

In the front room Dona was also surprised to see Oscar "Oscar, what are you doing here".

"I said that" said Ray.

Oscar asked them to sit down and started to explain all about who he really was.  Ray and Dona sat quietly, listening and said nothing at all until Oscar finished.

"So you work for the Secret Service" said Ray.

"Well not really, I supply information used by a lot of people but the Secret Service is sort of part of it" replied Oscar.

"You were in France just to check us out and it was you who took the Artifact in Portsmouth" said Dona.

"The answer has to be yes," said Oscar "but I was only doing my job and in the end, I really did like the both of you very much.  There is a problem though and we would like to make you an offer".

"Go on" said Ray.

Oscar replied "The Artifact will not work and if I didn't have video proof that it dose work then I would be in a lot of bother. So what I am here for, is to ask if you two, will come and work for us, the British Government".

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